Advantages and Disadvantages of Being a Mechanical Engineer

Advantages and Disadvantages of Being a Mechanical Engineer,
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Advantages and Disadvantages of Being a Mechanical Engineer

Mechanical engineering adavantages and disadvantages
Advantages and Disadvantages of Being a Mechanical Engineer

  • Mechanical engineers design, create, and make tools and machinery. There are many different aspects of mechanical engineering, which offers you a broad range of positions. 
  • Overall, however, the field has a wide range of advantages and disadvantages. Here’s a look at the pros and cons of being a mechanical engineer.

Advantage: Many positions are available with just a bachelor’s degree.

  • One of the great things about mechanical engineering is that you don’t have to spend a decade in school before you can enter the field. 
  • A bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering is sufficient for many entry level jobs—in some positions you can even get a little farther with just on-the-job training. 
  • Additionally, it gives you an opportunity to get practical experience, which can come in handy with further education. 
  • You also have the opportunity to figure out where you want to be within mechanical engineering—working for an oil company, in the automobile industry, a machine company.

Disadvantage: You may have to get licensed periodically, and may eventually want more formal schooling.

  • Mechanical engineering, just like many other disciplines so heavily influenced by technology, is changing rapidly. 
  • To stay on top of your game, you may need to periodically get re-licensed. 
  • Different states may have different requirements as well. 
  • Additionally, although you can get a job with just a bachelor’s degree, to really move up the ladder in this field, you’re most likely going to want at least a master’s degree. 
  • Eventually, you may find a doctorate is necessary for what you really want to do—and that’s a lot of money and a lot of time.

Advantage: The work can be extremely gratifying.

  • Mechanical engineers who love their jobs can’t sing its praises enough. 
  • This profession is also necessary for almost every type of business to run successfully. 
  • A degree in the field is most definitely an intellectual investment that can pay off big time and can even be useful outside of its own discipline.
  •  Depending on what you’re doing, you may be relying on your technical, critical, problem solving, and even creative skills. 
  • Finishing projects that revolutionize a whole industry can be incredibly rewarding and an amazing experience.

Disadvantage: You often spend a lot of time stuck at a desk.

  • If you’re thinking about mechanical engineering because you’re a hands on kind of person, consider the other side of things. 
  • A lot of your work week is going to be spent at a computer or desk designing. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself in an office much of the time. 
  • On the bright side, sometimes you get to go make your ideas a reality.

Advantage: You can make great money, and it’ll just keep getting better.

  • Mechanical engineers make great money. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the mid-range salary for mechanical engineers is over $80,000 a year—higher than most jobs. Top earners made well over $100,000 a year, although the lowest salaries were less than $50,000 a year. 
  • However, if you aren’t happy with your salary, you can always do something to make it better by going back to school or taking specialized courses (weekend workshops). 
  • In any case, the longer you’re in the field, the more desirable you’ll be to employers—which means the more money you’ll be making.

Disadvantage: The hours can be long and taxing.

  • The BLS reports that about one-third of mechanical engineers worked more than 40 hours a week. That’s a lot of overtime. 
  • For the most part, mechanical engineering is a nine to five job, but special projects can come up that require more attention.
  • If you don’t like what you’re doing, this can get frustrating and boring. Just another reason to make sure that mechanical engineering is really what you love before you make a career out of it.

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